Archive for the ‘Work’ Category

I’ve developed a Julia package to manipulate symbolic linear expressions with both scalar and matrix coefficients: I created it mainly to manipulate large linear matrix inequalities (LMI) for SDP optimization, and I’ve been using it whenever PyLMI-SDP is too slow for the job.

Over the past months I’ve been studying  how to improve performance of the Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE) routine of SymPy, so it can be used in SymPyBotics with acceptable computing times. This resulted in pull request #2355, which had already been merged into SymPy master branch (for release in version 0.7.4). Here is an example comparing both new and previous CSE implementations […]



PyLMI-SDP Symbolic linear matrix inequalities (LMI) and semi-definite programming (SDP) tools for Python



Today I’ve released SymPyBotics software in GitHub. This is a python toolbox to generate and manipulate robot dynamic equations. It depends on the great SymPy library and on SymCode, another library I’m developing.